A colleague of mine saw a post I wrote and asked me how I was able to write LaTeX in markdown files. This post is for people who appreciate the power LaTeX provides for technical writing. Let’s begin with an example.

Euler’s equation is one of the most interesting equations in mathematics.

\[\begin{equation} e^{\iota \pi } + 1 = 0 \end{equation}\]

It contains five of the most significant constants $e$, $\iota$, $\pi$, $0$ and $1$.

The example above uses equation numbers, math symbols in display mode and in-line and is generated from the source code given below:

Euler's equation is one of the most interesting equations in mathematics.

e^{\iota \pi } + 1 = 0

It contains five of the most significant constants $e$, $\iota$, $\pi$, $0$ and $1$.

To enable LaTeX I added the following Javascript file in the default.html template file in my blog.

  MathJax = {
    loader: {load: ['[tex]/textmacros']},
    tex: {
      packages: {'[+]': ['textmacros'] },                               // extensions to use
      inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],                          // start/end delimiter pairs for in-line math
      displayMath: [ ['$$', '$$'], ['\\[', '\\]'] ],                    // start/end delimiter pairs for delimiter math
      processEscapes: false,                                            // use \$ to produce a literal dollar sign
      processEnvironments: true,                                        // process \begin{xxx}...\end{xxx} outside math mode
      processRefs: true,                                                // process \ref{...} outside of math mode
      digits: /^(?:[0-9]+(?:\{,\}[0-9]{3})*(?:\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)/,    // pattern for recognizing numbers
      tags: 'ams',                                                      // controls whether equations are numbered or not
      tagSide: 'right',                                                 // side for \tag macros
      tagIndent: '0.8em',                                               // amount to indent tags
      useLabelIds: true,                                                // use label name rather than tag for ids
      maxMacros: 1000,                                                  // maximum number of macro substitutions per expression
      maxBuffer: 5 * 1024,                                              // maximum size for the internal TeX string (5K)
      formatError: (jax, err) => jax.formatError(err)                   // function called when TeX syntax errors occur

<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

The first script allows the user to customize MathJax options. For more details on how to customize see Tex Input Processor Options and MathJax Input in the MathJax documentation. The second script loads MathJax from a CDN into the webpage bypassing the requirement to have MathJax installed on the server.

This blog uses a popular Jekyll theme called minima. To enable LaTeX in Jekyll, copy the javascript above into a file, say mathjax.html. Save the file in the _includes folder of the theme and include the mathjax.html file after the header in default.html. See an example here.

Now, you are all set to TeX it up!